Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Western Boots Sayings

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2010

After all the exciting times we have had in recent weeks, some rest now returns to us. I hope that you too at places of stress and are the days of rest.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions this year. Thank you also for hosting such a beautiful event along DFSSGF or biscuit hostages.

I wish you all frohe Weihnachten und alles Liebe und Gute für 2010!
Ab an den Herd und lasst es kräftig brutzeln!!

Os quiero desear a todos una Feliz Navidad y lo mejor para el 2010.
Que todos vuestro sueños y deseos se hagan realidad!
Gracias por haber pasado por mi Blog y por haber dejado unos comentarios tan amables.
Espero que sigamos asi, el proximo año.
Un fuerte abrazo y hasta muy pronto!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How.to Make A Hidden Blade Toy


Diese kleine Dose sollte hoffentlich auch bald ihren Bestimmungsort erreichen.

Bar Prices For Rent For Party

European biscuit-hostage exchange

Letzten Mittwoch hab ich mit großer Begeisterung diesen Beitrag gelesen und etliche Stunden später, I was allowed to keep the package in his hands!

I do not know how to come to such an idea to bake for each other and to send packets, but I find this idea geeeeennnniiiiaaaallll!

Jutta has given everything, thank you! The package was packed. Unfortunately, it did not make all occupants to acclimatise here. Especially the Bethmännchen - hardly they were here, they were gone again!

times I will see if I still get all of the Series:

Chocolate Nut Strips
poppy strudel cookies

cinnamon waffles biscuits
and chocolate

A little taste of all the delicacies, which have reached us.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Old U Have To Be To Work At Auto

DFSSGF - My package has arrived!

Hooray, hooray - my package has arrived! And what it is!
Véronique spent a few days in Paris and taken advantage of the situation just to get a lot for my DFSSGF package.

I did not believe my eyes and still do not know where to start I do: I
  • duck leg confit - for Hachi Parmentier
  • Pralines Roses - eg for a Tarte aux Pralines Roses
  • Crue de Cacao - roasted cocoa beans
  • Coquillett
  • 2 tonka beans
  • 2 cardamom spoon
  • 1 glass of cherry licorice jam
  • 1 can of Duck magret with honey
  • 2 small packets of biscuits
  • 1 glass Griottes
And to beat the whole still has Véronique settled for Amaya also included three delicious French baby food jars! Merci!

And my thanks again to Rosa that this event is now the 5th Time is organized.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Fix Laminate Snowboard


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chunky Mucus Coming Out Of The Sinus

pasta with pumpkin and chicken

I'm lately not to eat as much pumpkin as I would like to. Last year was
abound pumpkin soup, or sometimes a pumpkin risotto, but this fall is hardly the best on the plate. Since this recipe came to me just right!

2 x chicken breast
sea salt and black pepper
1 handful rosemary
2 garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
a butternut squash
1 glass of white wine
200 ml chicken stock

the chicken breast cut into small pieces . Rosemary and chop the garlic and mix with a little sea salt. The meat in a little olive oil nice. The garlic-rosemary mixture, bay leaf and some black pepper, and let it mitgaren. The stew can be peeled and diced pumpkin with the wine and chicken broth to the chicken and all 20 minutes, until pumpkin is tender.

I'm in the cooking water if the pasta a little turmeric, which has made the beautiful yellow noodles!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Buy Turbo Charger For Accent

A heart for blogs

Stylespion has called on his blog about an action: We should
on Friday with a post on his blog to his favorite German a blog post. Why? To get know new blogs, so that once looked out on his own horizon, and because the network with each other nunmal ne great thing is:) So here's 5 of my favorite blogs (which have to do sometimes to do with food)


Maybe you did indeed read what nice things that have not necessarily got to do with goodies! Browse
In this sense, have fun!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pokemon Emulator For Mac Trading

we are in Quito. Quito is a beautiful city and the weather is relatively secure.
from here we will fly back tomorrow.
more I will now no longer in the appropriate grade, and I'm too lazy to think up something to me. so just:
this blog ends here. best thanks for your attention. we shall provide during Fasnacht or otherwise halt after.

tom liechti & marco tanghetti

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pokemon Gpsphone Clock

remove blanket

while we left to burn us at the coast the sun on the fur, it continued to rain in the hinterland cheerful. and indeed so rich that there are a few bigger landslides made virtually impossible have reached the capital by bus to Quito. So we booked a flight from Manta to Quito. promising to replace the the 10h-ride through a 45-minute flight verhagelt us not just the tag, the only disadvantage was that we had to go to manta. the city has not much to offer, except a beach behave with industry background, and a port-a remarkable peculiarity of his residents. as the operator of pubs on the beach. in a line or two lines, each about ten meters wide, each claimed the knell gaeste upper hand at the sound of your own. it ventured from the dj nachbarbeitz his music turning up something that was his own only louder. This leads naturally to situations where no human more can visit the local because of the infernal noise and the sound of at least eight kakopfonie-systems.
also at the beach we saw an outpatient strandhaendler which all kinds of aufbalsbarem nippes sold, from baby-floating ring until all kayak boat here, the guy dragged a huge amount of air-filled plastic with the rum. We ate as, after dinner, again at the beach passed, we saw how the poor devil beasts from all its inflated the air let out, they folded and packed in a box. The state of play left to conclude that he probably would not find much sleep if he wants to have blown up all his stuff at the next day again.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Advantages And Disadvantagesof Dbms

island port

earlier the island was a pirate nest, on which the famous so-piracy as Francis Drake and Ernest Hemingway hidden. Today, no one wants to live here, so it has made it into a nature conservation park. All goats were shot down and rat-cat with the remaining and one has the same front, so we must also do in this unsolicited, if one such animal is in sight. we saw (or have had this one live on) on our visit but only birds. the walk across the island was an ordeal, as we known, in aequatornaehe were clean and the yellow in the sky was burning down on us pretty normal. could plant of the present here is no support in the form of shadowy hope that care Büschlein brought it to a maximum of one meter height. But since we on the one partie Return snorkel in the sea has been promised, we kept on bravely. Back on the boat gabs first time to eat. the efforts of the walk, and the slightly stronger waves that roll into the boot hard then immediately demanded brought the first casualties. almost simultaneously rejected three touris far overboard and pukes vigorously into the water. while we were still eating when we ignored the desert scene and looked on the water. Near us, on a neighboring boat, which has the same tour as we did, but it just happened one repeated frightening detail. attracted much of predigested gathered quickly large shoals of brightly colored fish around our boat and rendered the fish feed. We wondered then no longer, decided that the capitan kutzum, just see it as the rise snorkel event, if ever so many fish are together. we are after three months of travel and not so delicate and we know that the drift fish the same water even, but we did it ourselves but then pinched to jump into the water and the fish in kotzeessen watch.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Locally Where Buy Glisten Dishwashercleaner

silver mound lopez

to the acoustic strains in Montanita, we searched in the secluded fishing village of Puerto Lopez accommodation for a quiet as possible. we have found the following: small but nice bungalows, surrounded by a paradise botanical garden, right on the deserted beach a little outside of the village, by the way there was the best restaurants in the area in the selfsame hotel. track halfway between center and hotel was next to run the local fish market with all its, the processed freshly caught fish directly. This place is characterized partly by the many stray beasts (sea birds, vultures, cats), and an odor of, probably with a freshly opened tin of Swedish fermented herring is to compare. our mind, the odor could affect our extraordinary good sense of smell negatively literally scattered in the wind. the constant sea breeze sent the stinkefanhne permanently into the hinterland. the resulted in addition to the cheap tourist beach of Puerto Lopez not to the deserted front of our hotel complex dared approach, and we rest at last came to our well-deserved.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Inmate Visit At Rikers

was not too long ago, the city virtually closed area for tourists, from visiting Guayaquil wurde wehement abgeraten. seit ein paar jahren aber sorgen tausende von sicherheitsleuten, allesamt bis auf die zehne bewaffnet, wenigstens im zentrum fuer die sicherheit. fuer uns bestand kein zweifel daran, dass die gleichen leute, welche heute in uniform an den strassenecken stehen, frueher fuer den schlechten leumund der stadt gesorgt haben. dass dem tatsaechlich mal so war, bewies uns ein schild im hotel, mit den sicherheitshinweisen von 1994, in welchen stand, man solle sich eigentlich uebehaupt nicht auf die strasse blicken lassen (unsafe day and night). der schlechte ruf haelt sich noch wacker, so konnten wir touristen im unserem hotel beobachten, welche in den 48 stunden unseres aufenthaltes das hotel bis maximal zum strassecafe des hoteleigenen restaurants have left. dangerous but it is really only in the city park, where there is indeed little more robbers, but about 300 adult iguanas that live there in the trees and the unwary visitors only too happy to shit on your head. We of course did not happen, because we visited the park at noon, then gathered namely, the whole iguana-bubble on the ground to be fed at public expense.

Choosing A Cruise 40 Somethings

suspected already in the bus on the way to Montañita us that there could be unpleasant. since we learned that there just this Saturday held an international surf contest. followed by after-contest party. We were so glad when we did a room Bakame, moreover, a middle of the village, right on the beach. only later, we saw that at this very beach in front of our hotel was the large open-air stage for the party. already left for the soundchek us their butts. The party was great, we talked with, as long as we could. surprise we found then that in our room not strandbuehne loudest was, but the open-air discos on the left and right of us. and that on the roof of our hotel is also still a dance-bar, which air alert and koerperschall uttered. because we are very, very tired, we were still able to get some sleep until the last disco Sun at half past eight in the morning and the dot-sail. The following days were much quieter then, as we have already closed the shutters to six clock.

My Pinky Toe Is Black


for the trip to Riobamba, we were assigned by fate once again an insane bus driver. with a pace well over 100 kmh, we roared over the winding mountain roads, not just the poor Cordillera. normally you would have to ride all five of these active volcanoes of the region seen every 5000 to 6000 m high. in front of our windows broke up the environment, however, in fuzzy horizontal lines. only when the bus just before riobamba drove under the speed of light, confirmed our suspicion is that the weather here was unfriendly. It was overcast and foggy and quite cool. the Chimborazo volcano but we have not seen full size, for about one minute to the downtown cab ride from the terminal into, then put the rain, and clouds and mist-shrouded for the next day, the environment completely. if it was not so cold even as the time when you, dear readers in Central Europe, it has served us for cold feet. so we left all timetables here in the highlands and bought a bus ticket Guayaquil. while we're out in the rain, but then your in a warm tropical.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Converting Outboard Engine To Electric Start

guayaquil loja

cuenca kolnial is very, very dressed up, very safe but it is possible very boring.
we had the misfortune to arrive on a Sunday in the city. Here, all on Sundays is closed. the hungry tourists are then busweise chauffeured to the neighboring village, we have been content with a pollo-fast food at a gas station on the outskirts of town. out of sheer boredom I let my next day and finally cut the hair. The hairdresser salons of the Chosen stared spellbound at the telly, where just some telenovela ran and left it to the customers clearly feel that bothers you. still they are made to work, snipping here and there around, without losing sight of the telenovela in the eye. Surprisingly, they did but not the bad. only as it provided large quantities of cotton anoint, alcohol and haemostatic and connect with a razor waving around my ears, I asked them to focus it on me to cut anything. after about a quarter of an hour was the hair in her eyes focused and I was without Weden asked for my opinion, reload it from the towed. but I was actually quite pleased and I think that was easy, despite the rough for the full two dollars.

Milena Velba Vintage Girdle In Mouve


in the historical part of the guide books is written that between Peru and Ecuador until 1999 officially peace prevails. that the two do not have the hay on the same stage you get to the limit especially Warming. the border crossing in Huaquillas is so tricky and crafty, that one of the bus company a trained hostess and local knowledge must be established to assist. you think to even start, they were not yet fallen on the head, a couple of border formalities will be even more without help bring about, we were soon learn better, and were then very grateful for the good rosalita.
we came very late in loja and wanted the next day and straight on to Cuenca, we are unfortunately only very, very little of this city \u200b\u200breport. as we have already sat in the bus to Cuenca, I was suddenly aware that we also needed a more meaningful picture, which we intended to show you in this forum. So I've quickly thrown open the window and just can not scan this confused-looking gentleman, who probably just accompanied his mom to the bus, at least he gave us nachgewinkt after.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Why Do My Legs Hurt After I Poop


sometimes you have to have a little pig. after a night in a bus in which to put it mildly, not smelling flowers were, we still schlafverquollenen Máncora eyes on the road. countless moto-taxi drivers crowded on us, all they wanted to in those hotels maneuver in which they could carry off fat commissions. so they gave rest times, we went to one at random, and we wanted to scale the view containing the times. yes, no one could have guessed that the distance of the hotel with the most beautiful beach along the entire coast was that the bungalows were really right on the beach and also there were hardly any guests, and that the whole for a apple and an egg was to be had. We were also, probably unique in the world, foreigners granted a discount of 20% saturated. hard as we could say no. the picture was left of our bungalow, terrace-shot from. can be seen to include the beach for us are provided comfortable. the waiter mixed drinks with the cooled We would be gelatscht still almost in the picture.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Cat Has A Bloody Ear


back from the jungle, we got on the bus to lima trujillo. we had the trip before our trip posted to amazonas and athletic fields are the best in the two storey bus backed up, namely the top in front, because that's where you can see the most. from there you get up close but also the driving of the bus driver and the other from all crazy idiots with and who enjoys every day at the races live on a panda and death deliver. Sun itself sweating in the humid and hot we have not rainforest.
in trujillo arrived, we moved to the nearby fishing village of Huanchaco, the beach was widely praised. sunday evening when we got there, made himself the whole plebs of Trujillo, which the beach on that very Sunday spent just on the way home and left a scene of horror. the beach was completely trashed, rather than by sea smelled of spilled beer and pizza remnants. Although the beach was running free of dirt from Monday (before the flood was much washed into the sea), but there was suggestive of the opaque.

The Cheat In Planetary Pinball

Napo river Amazon River

penetrated in the following days we ever before in the primary rainforest in the Amazon and the Rio Napo. irgendann we also visited a ethnobotanical garden, the shaman of a the local indigenous people is maintained. this slightly crazy young man told us to follow the much more informative about the medicinal plants occur here in large numbers. He was particularly proud of a herb, which was made into an ointment to purchase right here for sale. the prescription is: collect pounds of cabbage for hours with boiling water, filtered several times, then cook and at the circuit with conventional tiger balm ointment to the finished mix. responded to the healing effect of the shaman stuff erzehlte proud of the effect of the ointment should be compared roughly to that of tiger balm. Finally, the doctor
lectured on the effects of ayahuasca liana, whose sud probably should be a very strong hallucinogenic. this medium would be used for diagnostic purposes by the shaman, if contrary to expectations for a patient all the other showed no effect of medicinal plants, as in delirium appears mostly ghostly 'knowing exactly what the ill plage. then he described to us minutely, with a blissful smile, the color and sound, the pet-friendly animals and ghosts and evil spirits and that the offender attend in rushing. we could try but not for me.

How Do A Outline For Basketball

if you ever bored in the vicinity, one should also look at the Amazon basin area east of the Andes, the so-called. So we flew from Lima to Iquitos and from there the banana boat straight on into a lodge on the banks of the Amazon. we do not just traveled here in the high season, we were already flying in the clear because we were the only gringos on board. arrived at the lodge, it was even better: not only do we both have a private guide and driver for us An adjacent boat had, no, we were at all the only visitors in the lodge. since we always count guests to the easy-care, which had about twenty employees had much free time, which they filled with essentially doing nothing. in the early evening, however, was played soccer every day. but also that since the time we were in our organism intended to strengthen With good beer, the bartender found himself forced to the stay away from gambling and to serve us. but as we are not monsters, we have extrapolated our consumer the next 90 minutes, ordered the entire lot with a large kuebel ice at once and the bartender sent to the game. How to make friends here, and when in the jungle to the man with the cold drinks on its side, has to live here worry-free.

How To Know If A Scorpio Is Attracted

we were amazed: we were sitting in the evening at a sidewalk cafe in Miraflores, one of the better neighborhoods of Lima. parked in front of us a brand-new one terrain vehicle. we realized that this was new at the first state of the becht hurry (no dents = no tag old), second were the sun glare protective film still in its packaging. The driver, a young man got out, joined the wagon with the beifarerin, an elderly lady screwed up, now and in the crowd. the co-driver was neither surprised nor outraged, but snuggled into the blanket and brought waited. has as yet actually the snobbish his own mom as a living for his new anti-theft alleged car taken away, they can in the cold of the night back, while he was the night with his buddies or his playmates PROPOSES ears to. this is not fine art.

Optician Job Description Template

lima machu picchu cuzco

in Aguas Calientes at the foot of Machu Picchu are a few Aarwangen us (people from Aarwangen) about the run away. peddlers and mischu were called and the two were on time, in a language school in Cuzco. The two conceived the next morning to drive in the morning to Machu Picchu, one of the rare to get hold privileges to climb Huayna Picchu. For information: the Huayna Picchu is the incredibly steep mountain in the background. have been the ruins of Machu located Picchu on a fairly high ridge, at its edges it down vertically about, we will for the most carefree souls climbing opportunities from here another 300 feet in the air, on a super share ancient Inca -stairs (about 800 years old) on its side of the yawning abyss. as did the two words up. one remarked in passing that he is not quite afraid of heights would be. that was the last time we saw the two, so if you in approximately four to five weeks in Aarwangen should miss one or two souls, we advise them on the Huayna Picchu to search, they will be there raufgekraxelt and dare only not down.

Yeast Infection And Dry Humping

detractors always talk wierder of the guinea pig eater when andenvoelker are meant. to express our solidarity with the locals to give expression, we have decided to us in the army of the guinea pig devouring people classified. Man gets traditionally served the critters as a whole, which then leaves something to the whole look of burned rat. Previously we have heard nothing but good things about the cuy, the opinions ranged from 'nothing special' to 'disgusting'. Therefore, we choose again one of the best eating pickle from the area and ordered the said 'cuy al horno'. disappointed we observed in the delivery that you have your head cut off and the rest cut into manageable pieces, had our own trying to get the pieces back into a full-cuy assemble not brought the desired effect creepy. So we stop gnawing on what we were vorgsetzt. It gave us the way, tasted excellent.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Does Sismiss Hot Chocolate Have Ot Of Caffine

our first stop in Peru was Puno. that was not puno especially nice to have We have all said the move, which were already there. We can confirm that now.
the people were there but still in good spirits, so we now consider puno Peru as the langenthal. even the countless pizzerias in the downtown reminded us of our home.
at an Italian in the best position we returned in the evening after all. the load was posh, white tischtuecher, oversized wine glasses, waiters in tails, everything. unsuitable to run in the background a super-cheap synthetic flutes lift-music that could be ueberhoert only with difficulty. also inappropriate, the American groups, which complained that, at that no original Peruvian give fodder. normally order namely the one province to Rastaurant gringos anyway just pizza and pasta in the. also hung on a wall a mighty big flat screen, which were transferred to any sport. as now the head of the house left the local, the waiter took over the reins guild (remote control) and turned on the action channel. within the next half hour we witnessed then how about thirty gangster in a surprisingly realistic style of machine guns and / or have been slaughtered diameters. the waiter was under hypnosis sharp closed and stared at the screen and in the staccato flashes of illuminating muendungsfeuer are faces of Americans clearly consternation us as one of the amusing moments in memory bleiben.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Acne And Baby Shampoo

puno Copacabana Sun Island

im titicacasee liegt die sogenannte sonneninsel, diese ist ca. zehn kilometer lang und es befinden sich drei doerfer auf derselben. wer dieses eiland besuchen will, muss dies wohl oder uebel per schiff tun. es gibt zwei alternativen: erstens die faehre, diese faehrt einem auf die insel und wieder zurueck. zweitens das touri-boot. dieses bietet zusaetzlich eine tour auf der insel an, ist dafuer halt ein bisschen teurer. wir entschieden uns fuer die touri-tour, was sich als fehler herausstellte. der kahn fuhr naemlich mit unvorstellbar langsamen 10kmh an die nordspitze der insel, wo die touris mit dem hinweis an land gescheucht wurden, man warte in vier stunden an der suedspitze der insel auf uns. This would be the tour. right at the jetty waiting for it for now, a delegation billetverkaeufer on us and ran for one enters the the island. because even the lake at 3800 meters above sea level is the number of ascents were different viewpoints on the extremely tough (the author of the Guidance on the isla del sol we repeated event was "an ill-known trekking archloch). on every high place, however, the local had provided a small kiosk where you could warm exorbitant prices to buy sugar rush.
Hill sat on one of these, only two old men, who wanted to sell the island enters the southern zone. baff we found something that actually listed on our tickets, only the zona norte was. So we paid good, in the least hope to have half away behind us. just before the village in the south then waited another two old women on the wayside. these are intended to sell a ticket, which we would visit her the beautiful village and its boat jetty getatten. now something we echauffiert accused the OEMs in the highway robbery and initially refused to cash until marco a just punishment for those devised tolls: he paid the required 10 bullfrogs with a 100-translucent. who the notorious small monetary poverty in Bolivia, knows knows what situation we brought the old witch with it. after much whining all the old notes and coins came together and rummaged bolivianos to 89. to know that we are now im bezitz der gesamten kleingeldreserven der insel waren, war uns sieg genug, so dass wir den einen dann gut sein liessen und erhobenen hauptes von dannen zogen.

Motorcycle Junkyard Mn


wie bereits erwaehnt gibt es in fast jeder unterkunft einen armen tropf, der die ganze nacht wach bleiben muss, um die schlafenden touristen vor ungemach zu schuetzen und heimkehrende festbrueder hereinzulassen. dies so von abends um sieben bis morgens um sieben. da die bolivianer aber sehr familienbetonte menschen sind, kann das zu ernsthaften komplikationen im sippengefuege fuehren, wenn das oberhaupt die haelfte der zeit nicht da ist und die andere haelfte schlaeft. der nette herr, welcher uns in copacabana nachts bewachte hatte hierfuer die optimale spoon. one hour after the start of a shift, for example eating time in Bolivia, found the entire family at dad in the hotel lobby to take a joint to the dinner. afterwards was geratscht together into the dolls and gossiping, or cable television geglotzt. if you met the family for the first time, you were presented immediately so that all would recognize the input and perform them even if the papa a nap on the lobby sofa took. because now all of our names and knew Bolivian families are not exactly small, it took minutes for the returning every now about five to ten, until we were all welcomed and finally came into the room.