Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Cheat In Planetary Pinball

Napo river Amazon River

penetrated in the following days we ever before in the primary rainforest in the Amazon and the Rio Napo. irgendann we also visited a ethnobotanical garden, the shaman of a the local indigenous people is maintained. this slightly crazy young man told us to follow the much more informative about the medicinal plants occur here in large numbers. He was particularly proud of a herb, which was made into an ointment to purchase right here for sale. the prescription is: collect pounds of cabbage for hours with boiling water, filtered several times, then cook and at the circuit with conventional tiger balm ointment to the finished mix. responded to the healing effect of the shaman stuff erzehlte proud of the effect of the ointment should be compared roughly to that of tiger balm. Finally, the doctor
lectured on the effects of ayahuasca liana, whose sud probably should be a very strong hallucinogenic. this medium would be used for diagnostic purposes by the shaman, if contrary to expectations for a patient all the other showed no effect of medicinal plants, as in delirium appears mostly ghostly 'knowing exactly what the ill plage. then he described to us minutely, with a blissful smile, the color and sound, the pet-friendly animals and ghosts and evil spirits and that the offender attend in rushing. we could try but not for me.


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