Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Cat Has A Bloody Ear


back from the jungle, we got on the bus to lima trujillo. we had the trip before our trip posted to amazonas and athletic fields are the best in the two storey bus backed up, namely the top in front, because that's where you can see the most. from there you get up close but also the driving of the bus driver and the other from all crazy idiots with and who enjoys every day at the races live on a panda and death deliver. Sun itself sweating in the humid and hot we have not rainforest.
in trujillo arrived, we moved to the nearby fishing village of Huanchaco, the beach was widely praised. sunday evening when we got there, made himself the whole plebs of Trujillo, which the beach on that very Sunday spent just on the way home and left a scene of horror. the beach was completely trashed, rather than by sea smelled of spilled beer and pizza remnants. Although the beach was running free of dirt from Monday (before the flood was much washed into the sea), but there was suggestive of the opaque.


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