Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Converting Outboard Engine To Electric Start

guayaquil loja

cuenca kolnial is very, very dressed up, very safe but it is possible very boring.
we had the misfortune to arrive on a Sunday in the city. Here, all on Sundays is closed. the hungry tourists are then busweise chauffeured to the neighboring village, we have been content with a pollo-fast food at a gas station on the outskirts of town. out of sheer boredom I let my next day and finally cut the hair. The hairdresser salons of the Chosen stared spellbound at the telly, where just some telenovela ran and left it to the customers clearly feel that bothers you. still they are made to work, snipping here and there around, without losing sight of the telenovela in the eye. Surprisingly, they did but not the bad. only as it provided large quantities of cotton anoint, alcohol and haemostatic and connect with a razor waving around my ears, I asked them to focus it on me to cut anything. after about a quarter of an hour was the hair in her eyes focused and I was without Weden asked for my opinion, reload it from the towed. but I was actually quite pleased and I think that was easy, despite the rough for the full two dollars.


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