Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Old U Have To Be To Work At Auto

DFSSGF - My package has arrived!

Hooray, hooray - my package has arrived! And what it is!
Véronique spent a few days in Paris and taken advantage of the situation just to get a lot for my DFSSGF package.

I did not believe my eyes and still do not know where to start I do: I
  • duck leg confit - for Hachi Parmentier
  • Pralines Roses - eg for a Tarte aux Pralines Roses
  • Crue de Cacao - roasted cocoa beans
  • Coquillett
  • 2 tonka beans
  • 2 cardamom spoon
  • 1 glass of cherry licorice jam
  • 1 can of Duck magret with honey
  • 2 small packets of biscuits
  • 1 glass Griottes
And to beat the whole still has Véronique settled for Amaya also included three delicious French baby food jars! Merci!

And my thanks again to Rosa that this event is now the 5th Time is organized.


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