Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pokemon Gpsphone Clock

remove blanket

while we left to burn us at the coast the sun on the fur, it continued to rain in the hinterland cheerful. and indeed so rich that there are a few bigger landslides made virtually impossible have reached the capital by bus to Quito. So we booked a flight from Manta to Quito. promising to replace the the 10h-ride through a 45-minute flight verhagelt us not just the tag, the only disadvantage was that we had to go to manta. the city has not much to offer, except a beach behave with industry background, and a port-a remarkable peculiarity of his residents. as the operator of pubs on the beach. in a line or two lines, each about ten meters wide, each claimed the knell gaeste upper hand at the sound of your own. it ventured from the dj nachbarbeitz his music turning up something that was his own only louder. This leads naturally to situations where no human more can visit the local because of the infernal noise and the sound of at least eight kakopfonie-systems.
also at the beach we saw an outpatient strandhaendler which all kinds of aufbalsbarem nippes sold, from baby-floating ring until all kayak boat here, the guy dragged a huge amount of air-filled plastic with the rum. We ate as, after dinner, again at the beach passed, we saw how the poor devil beasts from all its inflated the air let out, they folded and packed in a box. The state of play left to conclude that he probably would not find much sleep if he wants to have blown up all his stuff at the next day again.


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