Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Motorcycle Junkyard Mn


wie bereits erwaehnt gibt es in fast jeder unterkunft einen armen tropf, der die ganze nacht wach bleiben muss, um die schlafenden touristen vor ungemach zu schuetzen und heimkehrende festbrueder hereinzulassen. dies so von abends um sieben bis morgens um sieben. da die bolivianer aber sehr familienbetonte menschen sind, kann das zu ernsthaften komplikationen im sippengefuege fuehren, wenn das oberhaupt die haelfte der zeit nicht da ist und die andere haelfte schlaeft. der nette herr, welcher uns in copacabana nachts bewachte hatte hierfuer die optimale spoon. one hour after the start of a shift, for example eating time in Bolivia, found the entire family at dad in the hotel lobby to take a joint to the dinner. afterwards was geratscht together into the dolls and gossiping, or cable television geglotzt. if you met the family for the first time, you were presented immediately so that all would recognize the input and perform them even if the papa a nap on the lobby sofa took. because now all of our names and knew Bolivian families are not exactly small, it took minutes for the returning every now about five to ten, until we were all welcomed and finally came into the room.


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