Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Women's Sioni Couture Suits

Talavera: Abadesa M. Eugenia

Abbess President


Sor María del Mar Martínez López, Abadesa Presidenta de la Congregación de Castilla, de la Orden Cisterciense, y presidenta de la elección, comunico a todos los monasterios de nuestra Congregación y a los de la Orden, así como a todas aquellas personas con quienes la comunidad está unida por vinculos de amistad y protección que la


ha sido elegida abadesa de este Monasterio de San Benito, en Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), de la Congregación de Castilla, y que   has been confirmed and installed in his office.

on behalf of itself and the community we invite you to our thanks for this obvious sign of unity that has been this election that has taken place on March 8, 2011, at eleven morning. Share the joy of this beloved community!

M. del Mar Martinez
President of the election.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Fix Monster Icarplay Wireless

Friends of the Abbey Mori mouth

Arbeitstagung the Friends of the Abbey Mori mouth "
first to 3 August 2011
Waldsassen in the Abbey (with trip to Ossegg)

account at
Dr. Helga fly
Petersbergstr. 10
D-53721 Siegburg (Kaldauen)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Change Rear Lights On 2002 Jetta

Szczyrzyc: Nuovo Abate

il 1 marzo 2011 è stato a Szczyrzyc Eletto abbate
P. Domenico Cucher.

first March 2011: Abtwahl in Szczyrzyc
Dominic P. Cucher

Sunday, February 27, 2011

45 Degrees Latitude Wyoming

In: outfitting

during lunch Shore on 2 February, Christian Abt Feurstein his first novice dressed in the pen In: Frater MMag. (FH) Emmanuel Maria (Florian) Plach from Gaweinstal in Lower Austria.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Type Of Flu Is Going Around In Mo

Szczyrzyc P. M. Piotr Ignacy Rogusz - Dissertatio

Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmi in Urbe
Institutum Monasticum
ad in Sacra Theologia doctorandum consequendum
R.P. Piotr Maciej Ignacy Rogusz O.Cist.
Publice defendet dissertationem
La professione monastica secondo l'epistolario di
San Bernardo. Le lettere bernardine a confronto con l'epistolario di Pietro il Venerabile e significato teologico attuale della professione.

Moderatore prof. Alfredo Simón OSB

Die 23.Feb. 2011 hora 15,30 in sede instituti
Roma  -  Piazza Cavalieri di Malta, 5

Sunday, February 13, 2011

On Seasonique Brown Discharge

P. Maximilian home - new abbot of Holy Cross

Chaired by Abbot President Wolfgang Wiedermann from Zwettl on 10 February 2011 the convent of the Holy Cross (62 voters) Prior to the recent Stiepel, P. Dr. Maximilian home, the new Department of Abbot Gregor Henckel Donnersmarck had traveled on the same day his office after twelve years in office.
The Abtbenediktion granted the Abbot General, on Easter Monday at 15.00 Clock.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Does Lauren London Wear?

Lenses with a difference

A new arrival is welcomed for us not to fill it with lentil soup, but his parents reinforce it, so they get their strength again as soon as possible:)

is my favorite recipe for lentils from Jamie's 'Genial Italian'. For all the book at hand, have just hit page 237.

like everyone else I here present our modified recipe. Recommended imitation!
The differences are that I have taken place Paradina-Castellucio lenses. Also, I'm still desperately looking for such a sausage, so I for my Linsen auf die gute alte Bio-Bratwurst umgestiegen bin.

Als Erstes bereite ich die Salsa vor. Dafür nehme ich die Zwiebel mit dem Knoblauch und dünste sie bei sanfter Hitze gut 10 Minuten, bis sie ganz weich ist und süßlich duftet. Jetzt die Prise Zimt dazu und die Hitze erhöhen, um das ganze gleich mit dem Essig abzulöschen. Temperatur wieder auf mittlere Stufe und dann die Tomaten dazu. Das ganze jetzt gut 30 Minuten köcheln lassen.

Während die Salsa vor sich hin köchelt, setzte ich die Linsen auf. Dazu werden die Linsen in einem Topf mit Wasser bedeckt und mit einer Knoblauchzehe, einem Lorbeerblatt und Petersilienstängeln zum kochen gebracht. Einmal aufgekocht, die Hitze runter drehen und gut Simmer 30 minutes, uncovered, until lentils are tender. When the lentils are tender, remove the green, mash the garlic to a pulp and then mix with the lentils and pour off any excess water. salt and pepper, and parsley leaves fold it.

While the salsa is in the works and before I put the lenses, I take a small pan, give a little olive oil to put inside a few sprigs of thyme and fry on the sausages. This is an incredibly delicious flavor!

Now we come to the final sprint! I mix the salsa now just under the lenses. Taste again with salt & pepper to give and then to the sausages. This can as a whole or cut into small pieces to the soup to be.

The photo is not this time such a high yield, but the results look (and taste) can! At home, the soup is already very well received and the new parents hope she has helped also to new forces that they can do well for the coming period.

Here again all the best!
Jesse - we are glad that you are there!

1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced \u200b\u200b1 pinch cinnamon
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

700 g tomatoes from the can, small

chopped lenses
500 g Paradina lenses
bay leaf
1 clove garlic
1 handful parsley (leaves, chopped the stems extra)

five sausages
fresh thyme sprigs

Friday, February 4, 2011

Traditional Archeryontario

Marienstatt: Stolen Abtsstab found again

Wilnsdorf - 31.01.2011 - 10:53 - press release from the police department Hachenburg 28/01/2011:

As previously reported, was on Saturday, 27/11/2010 from 15.55 clock, stolen in the Abbey

Marienstatt a black leatherette case. In the case there were
the Abtsstab and other sacred objects, such as the miter of Abbot, two capes
for altar boys and two pair of white gloves. The material damage was estimated at 5.000,-Euro. The intrinsic value of the Abtsstabes, which was at the time of
recolonization of the monastery made is immeasurable, according to information
had auditioned for crimes committed when a young man in a priest and asked for a donation. The young man, however, was given no money, but offered a meal. While the father went into the kitchen, took the young man whose short absence from and steal the parked suitcase in the room along with the objects in it and escape with the loot in a waiting white van.
revealed in the context of the District Department of the Police Inspectorate Hachenburg out intensive investigations are vague indications that it could be that the unknown offender is a national of a traveling circus, who had pitched in the winning country is a winter camp. The then moved from the police station Wilnsdorf site investigation carried out, however, ran, unsuccessfully.

Of the repentant perpetrator was the Abtsstab, which was separated into its four parts, using a parcel service undamaged at the monastery 04/12/2010 Marienstatt

sent. Only lacked the serpent located pastoral figure. The whereabouts of the other objects (black leatherette case, Mitra from the abbot, two capes altar boy, two pair of white gloves) was remains a mystery. Sender of the package was a misleading address in Old Town / Hessen.
In the course of investigations could be obtained from the District Department of the Police Inspectorate Hachenburg then new revenue-generating information on characteristics of the offender vehicle which the police station Wilnsdorf was submitted.
by Police Inspector Heinz Pauly service by the district police station Wilnsdorf wurden dann die zwei in Burbach und Neunkirchen campierenden Zirkusse erneut überprüft. Hierbei wurde auch ein abgemeldeter weißer Kastenwagen festgestellt. Weitere Ermittlungen ergaben, dass es sich hierbei um das Täterfahrzeug handelte. Im Anschluss konnte Hauptkommissar Pauly dann einen 20-jährigen Zirkusmitarbeiter als Täter ermitteln. In der durchgeführten Vernehmung räumte dieser die Tat auch ein. Der schwarze Koffer, die Mitra des Abts und die Umhänge konnten schließlich aufgefunden und sichergestellt werden. Die aus reinem Silber gefertigte Hirtenfigur hatte der Täter bereits versetzt. Als Tatmotiv gab er finanzielle Probleme an.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

John Hull Options Blog

Marienkron: Prioress administrator

Aus Gesundheitsgründen bot Äbtissin Mirjam und der an den Rücktritt Generalabt ernannte am 2. Februar 2011 die von emeritierte Äbtissin Oberschönenfeld, M. Ancilla Betting, zur Priorin Administratorin to nutum Abbatis Generalis.

On February 2, 2011 because of his health, Abbess Mirjam has tendered his resignation and appointed the Abbot General to nutum Abbatis Generalis internal priorities of the abbess emerita Oberschönenfeld , M. Ancilla Betting.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Could You Wash An Dry A Duffel Bag

Holy Cross

9th February
14.00 Clock Requiem and funeral
P. Franz Edlinger

10th February
8.00 Clock Fair of the Holy Spirit
10.00 electing a new abbot
(after the expiry of the tenure of Abbot Gregor Henckel Donnersmarck)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bottomless On Teh Beach

simple So!

I try my (very few) resolutions for this year must also be respected meld 'I am again at this point.
I would have reported it earlier, but it lacks most of the time for a few reasonable photos to the corresponding contributions. I would have liked you some pictures of the delicious chicken soup for example, to show that we have conjured up the days. But even I could not wait there, and so the pot was empty in no time.

Yesterday I got myself back after a long time to overcome even time to make pizza and as one becomes aware that it is worth the effort yet again! But later that hour the light conditions were not the best and the hunger so great that the sheet metal along with bottles of wine were wiped away.

Today I needed something very simple. But really easy.
And what could be more honest, as a beautiful simple omelet? But I let everything else and I have no idea what would be prepared so quickly.
Every time I catch myself, I have to think while eating at my grandma.
One of the most beautiful holiday memories and youth were the holidays with her in Cordoba (Andalusia). When it was evening on the runway, she wanted to be sure that we did not go to bed on an empty stomach and so was the answer to the question "What should I do to eat you?" always the same: "Una tortilla francesa" - An omelette!

number of eggs as desired pitch with salt and pepper. A pinch of paprika and down in the hot pan with it. My copy Today turned out almost as big as a Wiener Schnitzel, but after that I was satisfied and happy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cookie Sales Placement On Brownie Sash

The Psalm tones in drawings from the Heiligenkreuz

first tone tone Sollemnis

Second Ton: Tonus Gravis

Dritter Ton: Tonus Immensus

Vierter Ton: Tonus Mysticus

Fünfter Ton: Tonus Laetus

Sechster Ton: Tonus Serenus

Seventh tone tone Sonorus

eighth tone tone Lucidus
drawings from the 50s by former Brother Luke from Holy Cross ( recently taken in color just there by a young brother).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bloat In Yorkshire Terrier

S. Giuseppe Addis Ababa

Il 16 gennaio 2011, presso il Monastero di S. Giuseppe Cistercense ad Addis Ababa, mentre Fri Solomon (Teshale) è stato ordinato Nimani sacerdote, Fr Hailegebriel (Alemayehu) Negash è stato ordinato Diacono per le mani e la delle imposizioni preghiera consacratoria Tues Mons. Lisane-Christos Matheos, Ausiliare Tues Addis Ababa.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where Can I Get Supra Shoes In Kansas City

In: Book sponsorship for restoration

be the restoration of a book costs between € 300 and € 2,100.
book sponsorships are available from € 300, with smaller donations are welcome. For the most precious and expensive objects, we agree on individual donations. Sometimes we need more donations for the restoration of a book put together. The book sponsor receives a certificate of achievement, are noted on the name and work of the sponsor. And the restored book is accompanied by a leaflet that lists the name of the book or the book godmother godparents.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reflections Silverware Wedding

cathedral first bike Café

Hi everyone!

First of all the best for 2011! I've posted anything for some time, but this should now change once again. At least I've made up my mind for the new year and with this I want to do you started:

you should check to visit the irresistible desire to get the beautiful cathedral, then take the time and drive come to Münster-Süd in the city . Best of all on the road hammer.

you should be sure to bring a bit of time and in front of St. Joseph's Church one of the finest cafes seek to offer Münster. It is not just any cafe, but Cathedral Café first bike!

Dominik Schweer has opened here a year ago, his tents and his bike and has since become an indispensable part of the streetscape. I have personally because of my working hours, rarely the opportunity to visit him. But the more I put it any other warmly, treat yourself to the pleasure.

Dominik Today celebrates its first anniversary. And full of respect and appreciation for what he has since off the ground, gratuliere ich ihm herzlichst und wünsche ihm und uns noch viele weitere Jahre voller Erfolg, wo immer er sein Kaffee ausschenken mag.

Dominik, alles Gute zu deinem Einjährigen! Mach weiter so!!