Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Does Lauren London Wear?

Lenses with a difference

A new arrival is welcomed for us not to fill it with lentil soup, but his parents reinforce it, so they get their strength again as soon as possible:)

is my favorite recipe for lentils from Jamie's 'Genial Italian'. For all the book at hand, have just hit page 237.

like everyone else I here present our modified recipe. Recommended imitation!
The differences are that I have taken place Paradina-Castellucio lenses. Also, I'm still desperately looking for such a sausage, so I for my Linsen auf die gute alte Bio-Bratwurst umgestiegen bin.

Als Erstes bereite ich die Salsa vor. Dafür nehme ich die Zwiebel mit dem Knoblauch und dünste sie bei sanfter Hitze gut 10 Minuten, bis sie ganz weich ist und süßlich duftet. Jetzt die Prise Zimt dazu und die Hitze erhöhen, um das ganze gleich mit dem Essig abzulöschen. Temperatur wieder auf mittlere Stufe und dann die Tomaten dazu. Das ganze jetzt gut 30 Minuten köcheln lassen.

Während die Salsa vor sich hin köchelt, setzte ich die Linsen auf. Dazu werden die Linsen in einem Topf mit Wasser bedeckt und mit einer Knoblauchzehe, einem Lorbeerblatt und Petersilienstängeln zum kochen gebracht. Einmal aufgekocht, die Hitze runter drehen und gut Simmer 30 minutes, uncovered, until lentils are tender. When the lentils are tender, remove the green, mash the garlic to a pulp and then mix with the lentils and pour off any excess water. salt and pepper, and parsley leaves fold it.

While the salsa is in the works and before I put the lenses, I take a small pan, give a little olive oil to put inside a few sprigs of thyme and fry on the sausages. This is an incredibly delicious flavor!

Now we come to the final sprint! I mix the salsa now just under the lenses. Taste again with salt & pepper to give and then to the sausages. This can as a whole or cut into small pieces to the soup to be.

The photo is not this time such a high yield, but the results look (and taste) can! At home, the soup is already very well received and the new parents hope she has helped also to new forces that they can do well for the coming period.

Here again all the best!
Jesse - we are glad that you are there!

1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced \u200b\u200b1 pinch cinnamon
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

700 g tomatoes from the can, small

chopped lenses
500 g Paradina lenses
bay leaf
1 clove garlic
1 handful parsley (leaves, chopped the stems extra)

five sausages
fresh thyme sprigs


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