Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bottomless On Teh Beach

simple So!

I try my (very few) resolutions for this year must also be respected meld 'I am again at this point.
I would have reported it earlier, but it lacks most of the time for a few reasonable photos to the corresponding contributions. I would have liked you some pictures of the delicious chicken soup for example, to show that we have conjured up the days. But even I could not wait there, and so the pot was empty in no time.

Yesterday I got myself back after a long time to overcome even time to make pizza and as one becomes aware that it is worth the effort yet again! But later that hour the light conditions were not the best and the hunger so great that the sheet metal along with bottles of wine were wiped away.

Today I needed something very simple. But really easy.
And what could be more honest, as a beautiful simple omelet? But I let everything else and I have no idea what would be prepared so quickly.
Every time I catch myself, I have to think while eating at my grandma.
One of the most beautiful holiday memories and youth were the holidays with her in Cordoba (Andalusia). When it was evening on the runway, she wanted to be sure that we did not go to bed on an empty stomach and so was the answer to the question "What should I do to eat you?" always the same: "Una tortilla francesa" - An omelette!

number of eggs as desired pitch with salt and pepper. A pinch of paprika and down in the hot pan with it. My copy Today turned out almost as big as a Wiener Schnitzel, but after that I was satisfied and happy!


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