Friday, February 4, 2011

Traditional Archeryontario

Marienstatt: Stolen Abtsstab found again

Wilnsdorf - 31.01.2011 - 10:53 - press release from the police department Hachenburg 28/01/2011:

As previously reported, was on Saturday, 27/11/2010 from 15.55 clock, stolen in the Abbey

Marienstatt a black leatherette case. In the case there were
the Abtsstab and other sacred objects, such as the miter of Abbot, two capes
for altar boys and two pair of white gloves. The material damage was estimated at 5.000,-Euro. The intrinsic value of the Abtsstabes, which was at the time of
recolonization of the monastery made is immeasurable, according to information
had auditioned for crimes committed when a young man in a priest and asked for a donation. The young man, however, was given no money, but offered a meal. While the father went into the kitchen, took the young man whose short absence from and steal the parked suitcase in the room along with the objects in it and escape with the loot in a waiting white van.
revealed in the context of the District Department of the Police Inspectorate Hachenburg out intensive investigations are vague indications that it could be that the unknown offender is a national of a traveling circus, who had pitched in the winning country is a winter camp. The then moved from the police station Wilnsdorf site investigation carried out, however, ran, unsuccessfully.

Of the repentant perpetrator was the Abtsstab, which was separated into its four parts, using a parcel service undamaged at the monastery 04/12/2010 Marienstatt

sent. Only lacked the serpent located pastoral figure. The whereabouts of the other objects (black leatherette case, Mitra from the abbot, two capes altar boy, two pair of white gloves) was remains a mystery. Sender of the package was a misleading address in Old Town / Hessen.
In the course of investigations could be obtained from the District Department of the Police Inspectorate Hachenburg then new revenue-generating information on characteristics of the offender vehicle which the police station Wilnsdorf was submitted.
by Police Inspector Heinz Pauly service by the district police station Wilnsdorf wurden dann die zwei in Burbach und Neunkirchen campierenden Zirkusse erneut überprüft. Hierbei wurde auch ein abgemeldeter weißer Kastenwagen festgestellt. Weitere Ermittlungen ergaben, dass es sich hierbei um das Täterfahrzeug handelte. Im Anschluss konnte Hauptkommissar Pauly dann einen 20-jährigen Zirkusmitarbeiter als Täter ermitteln. In der durchgeführten Vernehmung räumte dieser die Tat auch ein. Der schwarze Koffer, die Mitra des Abts und die Umhänge konnten schließlich aufgefunden und sichergestellt werden. Die aus reinem Silber gefertigte Hirtenfigur hatte der Täter bereits versetzt. Als Tatmotiv gab er finanzielle Probleme an.


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