Sunday, July 20, 2008

How To Shift Phlegm For A Baby

Life in Kastriot

entitled "stories during the Kosovo - War of raped women"

author: Luljeta Selimi
Editor: Jusuf Iberdemaj
Reviewer: Azem Azem Hajdari and Zogaj
editor: Myrvete Morina
from the Albanian: Arianit Preci
Contact: Luljeta SelimiTel: +377 (0) 44 209651Web:

On the website you will find a translation of the reports of the war raped Albanian women.
Even today, these women suffer from the experience.
The organization tries to help these victims.

Unterstützung wird immer gebraucht, jeder Cent hilft!

Në emer të Organizatës Jo qeveritare të gruas “ Jeta në Kastriot “ Përshendetje nga Luljeta Selimi Unë jam Luljeta Selimi, drejtoresha e shoqatës joqevritare “ Jeta në Kastriot” e cila mban nën mbikqyerje 2019 femra të cilat janë të dhunaura seksualisht nga policia serbe gjatë luftës së fundit dhe tani ato kanë nevojë për trajtim mjeksor dhe ndihma të tjera. Ne nga krijimi i OJQ „ Jeta në Kastriot „ gjatë viti 1999 por edhe para se të regjistrohej e deri me sot punojm një ekip prej 15 vetash që të ndihmojm women who have been victims of sexual violence, physical and psychological that need support and are now working in the field tonë.Ne have identifikur 2019 women who are raped, which so far apart that 124 of them have visible wounds on the body (have breasts cut, cut off fingers, 9 with one drawn and 16 eyes in the face with open sores) and are in ill health, psychological unless they are forced to care for themselves and for children in this case by 2019 all battered women raped as we keep under medical care, they have 4327 children who grow up fatherless, and only under the auspices of the mother which is under the pressure of rape, fear, and contempt of the district skamejs, institucionetndersa abandoned by men are 116 women because they have been trying dhunuara.Ne professional assistance except the doctors that all professional janëtë aim at least for some time to finacojm their children and we want through the middle of medical treatment to remove the condition difficult and time then they can be found in the company after you have passed mental and physical problems can be found in society without our help.

Book organization
We like them so far were we ensuring everything but now our budget is unable to provide the life for this we ned to turn you wide opinion because there are other shohmrrugdale. Naturally this will mean that you will help as long as you do not they could be and as long as you have mercy at least they do not suffer for the most basic things and Baran. If you can please contact us or ndihmoni përmes gjirollogarisë sonë. Ju lutëm ne emer të zotit dhe humanizimit ndihmi aq sa ju nuk do të domtoheshit dhe do ta ndihmonit të viktimizuarit ta ken dhembjen ma të letë .
Me ndrime nga drejtoresha Luljeta Selimi


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