Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cars,holden The Symbol Mean

Evidence of knowledge of simple
joining spouses from abroad
Germany has changed the law on foreigners
Information for spouses that are followed then
and their spouses already living in Germany

What has changed for you?

Do you want to move your spouse to
Or do you want to move with your
husband in Germany?
Or do you want to come to Germany
marry and to live there with your spouse?
In these cases must prove before the entry into Germany
you have basic knowledge of the gjermanishtes1. With this should ensure that
in Germany can communicate from the beginning
so simple in German.
Are there exceptions?
Yes. You do not need to prove knowledge of German
if one of the following statements is true:
■ ■ You or your spouse are a citizen of a member state of
European Union (excluding Germany).
■ ■ Due to an illness or a physical handicap (s), mental
(e) or psychological (e) are not able to testify
basic knowledge of German.
■ ■ Have a degree of a high school or a relevant qualification or exception
integration significantly lower for other reasons.
■ ■ not want a permanent residence in Germany.
■ ■ Your spouse has a residence as
■ ■ man highly qualified (§ 19 AufenthG).
■ ■ seekers (§ 20 AufenthG).
■ ■ firm founder (§ 21 AufenthG).
■ ■ authorized to asylum (§ 25 kryerr. 1 belongs. § 26 kryerr. 3
■ ■ received refugee (§ 25 kryerr. 2 belongs. § 26 kryerr. 3
■ ■ authorized to long-term from other countries
EU (§ 38A AufenthG).
■ ■ Your spouse is a citizen of Australia, Izraelit, Japonisë,
Kanadasë, Republikës së Koreas, Zelandës së Re ose
Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës.
1 Kr. § 28 kryerr. 1 fjali 5 dhe § 30 kryerr. 1 fjali 1 nr. 2 si dhe përjashtimet në § 30 kryerr. 1
fjali 2 dhe 3 të ligjit gjerman të qëndrimit si dhe § 41 i urdhëresës së qëndrimit.
Çfarë ka ndryshuar për ju?
2 Kornizë referimi për të cilën kanë rënë dakord shtetet anëtarë të Këshillit të Evropës.
3 Institute me licencën e provimit janë institute që janë të autorizuara të kryhen
provimet e Institutit Goethe.
Knowledge of the German language knowledge of German
"The degree of competence A1
the common European Framework of Reference for Languages" 2.
this regard that can understand and use everyday expressions and sentences
family very simple (eg. To ask for
way, do shopping etc..) Must be able to introduce yourself and others
, to ask questions and to answer questions about yourself
, p. sh. where you live or who know people
. Obviously your interlocutors
should speak clearly and be willing to help.
also be able to write something now
German, p. sh. can enter the name, address, nationality, etc.
. The forms of the authorities.

How can demonstrate knowledge of the German
? Usually
language knowledge should prove
prior research in Germany during the unification spousal visa
in German ambadasën përkatësiht
the consulate general. Connect to this should
documents demand a certificate of the Goethe Institute for Language Exam
A1 "Start Deutsch 1". Goethe institutes are institutes
German culture abroad.
offer instruction language and language exams. Examination "Start Deutsch 1" can be given
Goethe Institute. But
language exam may be given in an institute with the license provimit3, Property = Daten.pdf


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