Monday, September 6, 2010

Russian On Table At Party

Perico ...

... A popular Venezuelan and Colombian dish based on scrambled eggs and various vegetables. ( Wikipedia )

I would like you to imagine even today a very fast court, I made the last days for the first time itself. 'Perico' has several meanings in English. With us, the term refers primarily to a parakeet-like bird. Why is this dish called so, can I unfortunately do not explain, but certainly I can say that I found an old / new favorite food for me again.

My mother comes from this place in Colombia and, according to her testimony, there is missing this scrambled eggs on any buffet table.

The secret is really only in sufficiently onions (scallions in my case) and tomatoes as desired, slowly cook to soft in olive oil. As we all know, the onions get here so a slight sweetness. Once the tomatoes are soft, 3 are whipped Eggs passed through the whole thing. Everything can falter and stir well. I've already eaten as omelette between two slices of toast, but I prefer the scrambled version. Salt to taste pepper and leave! Let's see whether you like it.


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