Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Western Boots Sayings

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2010

After all the exciting times we have had in recent weeks, some rest now returns to us. I hope that you too at places of stress and are the days of rest.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions this year. Thank you also for hosting such a beautiful event along DFSSGF or biscuit hostages.

I wish you all frohe Weihnachten und alles Liebe und Gute für 2010!
Ab an den Herd und lasst es kräftig brutzeln!!

Os quiero desear a todos una Feliz Navidad y lo mejor para el 2010.
Que todos vuestro sueños y deseos se hagan realidad!
Gracias por haber pasado por mi Blog y por haber dejado unos comentarios tan amables.
Espero que sigamos asi, el proximo año.
Un fuerte abrazo y hasta muy pronto!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How.to Make A Hidden Blade Toy


Diese kleine Dose sollte hoffentlich auch bald ihren Bestimmungsort erreichen.

Bar Prices For Rent For Party

European biscuit-hostage exchange

Letzten Mittwoch hab ich mit großer Begeisterung diesen Beitrag gelesen und etliche Stunden später, I was allowed to keep the package in his hands!

I do not know how to come to such an idea to bake for each other and to send packets, but I find this idea geeeeennnniiiiaaaallll!

Jutta has given everything, thank you! The package was packed. Unfortunately, it did not make all occupants to acclimatise here. Especially the Bethmännchen - hardly they were here, they were gone again!

times I will see if I still get all of the Series:

Chocolate Nut Strips
poppy strudel cookies

cinnamon waffles biscuits
and chocolate

A little taste of all the delicacies, which have reached us.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Old U Have To Be To Work At Auto

DFSSGF - My package has arrived!

Hooray, hooray - my package has arrived! And what it is!
Véronique spent a few days in Paris and taken advantage of the situation just to get a lot for my DFSSGF package.

I did not believe my eyes and still do not know where to start I do: I
  • duck leg confit - for Hachi Parmentier
  • Pralines Roses - eg for a Tarte aux Pralines Roses
  • Crue de Cacao - roasted cocoa beans
  • Coquillett
  • 2 tonka beans
  • 2 cardamom spoon
  • 1 glass of cherry licorice jam
  • 1 can of Duck magret with honey
  • 2 small packets of biscuits
  • 1 glass Griottes
And to beat the whole still has Véronique settled for Amaya also included three delicious French baby food jars! Merci!

And my thanks again to Rosa that this event is now the 5th Time is organized.