Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Watch Movies Exploitation

das wetter bieb uns hold. nachdem es in den letzten wochen rained in the Bolivian highlands has constantly said it first, the entire salar was under water and is therefore not passable. sit for a few but there were no precipitations yet, so our driver decided nevertheless to the vast salt flat ride, due probably from that would be evasive route was terrain a 200km-detour 'claim challenging what the travel time by at least five extended hours would have. It occurred to us that is all right.
was actually the flat for the most part already dried up, although the temperatures were not particularly high. only the driver, hochlandgewaechse, which have their origin far over 4000 meters above sea level, under a kind of heat seemed to suffer. on their way schweissausbrueche asked both confirmed to us that anything over 20 degrees would make your body before serious problems.
the middle of the salar we stopped for a few photos. the endless white snow on ground, and the deep blue of the sky opposite side produced the feeling of being in a two-dimensional space, in which one is a 3-d-abundant conditions seemed out of place. probably confused by the dimensionless loss experienced our traveling quickly fell the urge to make unusual or funny photos. it was a full hour of hopping around us like mad, hadstand made menschentuermchen were built so thickly encrusted with salt until all. until then had been kept out of the reporters from the wonder happen, but the moment of Group photos came as the gospel truth. Now admittedly there are images on which we are hopping to see in a salt flat, but this you will NEVER see.


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