Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Acne And Baby Shampoo

puno Copacabana Sun Island

im titicacasee liegt die sogenannte sonneninsel, diese ist ca. zehn kilometer lang und es befinden sich drei doerfer auf derselben. wer dieses eiland besuchen will, muss dies wohl oder uebel per schiff tun. es gibt zwei alternativen: erstens die faehre, diese faehrt einem auf die insel und wieder zurueck. zweitens das touri-boot. dieses bietet zusaetzlich eine tour auf der insel an, ist dafuer halt ein bisschen teurer. wir entschieden uns fuer die touri-tour, was sich als fehler herausstellte. der kahn fuhr naemlich mit unvorstellbar langsamen 10kmh an die nordspitze der insel, wo die touris mit dem hinweis an land gescheucht wurden, man warte in vier stunden an der suedspitze der insel auf uns. This would be the tour. right at the jetty waiting for it for now, a delegation billetverkaeufer on us and ran for one enters the the island. because even the lake at 3800 meters above sea level is the number of ascents were different viewpoints on the extremely tough (the author of the Guidance on the isla del sol we repeated event was "an ill-known trekking archloch). on every high place, however, the local had provided a small kiosk where you could warm exorbitant prices to buy sugar rush.
Hill sat on one of these, only two old men, who wanted to sell the island enters the southern zone. baff we found something that actually listed on our tickets, only the zona norte was. So we paid good, in the least hope to have half away behind us. just before the village in the south then waited another two old women on the wayside. these are intended to sell a ticket, which we would visit her the beautiful village and its boat jetty getatten. now something we echauffiert accused the OEMs in the highway robbery and initially refused to cash until marco a just punishment for those devised tolls: he paid the required 10 bullfrogs with a 100-translucent. who the notorious small monetary poverty in Bolivia, knows knows what situation we brought the old witch with it. after much whining all the old notes and coins came together and rummaged bolivianos to 89. to know that we are now im bezitz der gesamten kleingeldreserven der insel waren, war uns sieg genug, so dass wir den einen dann gut sein liessen und erhobenen hauptes von dannen zogen.

Motorcycle Junkyard Mn


wie bereits erwaehnt gibt es in fast jeder unterkunft einen armen tropf, der die ganze nacht wach bleiben muss, um die schlafenden touristen vor ungemach zu schuetzen und heimkehrende festbrueder hereinzulassen. dies so von abends um sieben bis morgens um sieben. da die bolivianer aber sehr familienbetonte menschen sind, kann das zu ernsthaften komplikationen im sippengefuege fuehren, wenn das oberhaupt die haelfte der zeit nicht da ist und die andere haelfte schlaeft. der nette herr, welcher uns in copacabana nachts bewachte hatte hierfuer die optimale spoon. one hour after the start of a shift, for example eating time in Bolivia, found the entire family at dad in the hotel lobby to take a joint to the dinner. afterwards was geratscht together into the dolls and gossiping, or cable television geglotzt. if you met the family for the first time, you were presented immediately so that all would recognize the input and perform them even if the papa a nap on the lobby sofa took. because now all of our names and knew Bolivian families are not exactly small, it took minutes for the returning every now about five to ten, until we were all welcomed and finally came into the room.

New Church Anniversary Themes

the way of getting to Coroico remembered not for the village of Coroico, but because of the road to get there is: la carretera de la muerte. used to be a real death trap, it is now a new road through which the traffic burden, largely defused. actually it is now used primarily as a downhill slope for adrenalinsuechtige cyclists. would like us there with a hired taxi down. hardly left told us that it had been raining too much and was so carretera too dangerous, he would use the new road. we feigned disappointment quietly, but were secretly happy about this decision because if the taxi drivers here fear that we should continue to do so. at some point he turned off but still on a dirt road and said he would still try it, you then see how far you have come. Since the dependence were so steep and deep that we gasped, we stayed him an answer. in each curve now we were already in the abyss of the canyon and live our present, as in a film moved past us. the fear was unfounded, because the danger lurking namely on the way back to la paz over the new road. there are steinschlaege namely on the agenda. kuehlschrankgrosse many rocks and some burned-out cars both confirmed this impressive. here was the taxi drivers fear most, and we with him, because if the taxi drivers here are afraid, we should do that too.

How To Make A Boat Out Of Metal


in Bolivia, especially in la paz muss es dem letzten touristen auch aufgefallen sein: die bolivianer sind nicht besonders gross. die fehlende hoehe machen sie natuerlich locker mit ihrer liebenswuerdigkeit wieder wett. andererseits machen sie sich das leben manchmsl selber schwer. die durchschnittshoehe der liegeflaeche eines bettes hier liegt so hoch, dass auch ich nur mit einem beherzten huepfer ins bett komme. ich bezweifle, dass das die kleineren exemplare ohne zusaetzlichen tritt oder stuehlchen schaffen. ebenso die tische. auf normalen stuehlen sitzend, kriegen wir manchmal gerade noch das kinn auf die tischplatte. an solchen tischen muss man sich dann etwas zusammennehmen, denn was man schnell fuer ein am tisch bettelndes kind haelt und wegschickt, koennte auch der kellner sein.

Red In Bearded Dragons Ear

sucre potosi peace

although some of us have been discouraged to go to sure, we were still there. this was worth it, the mild climate helped us to forget the nocturnal seizures in schuttelfrost altiplano. we sat on a small bench on the plaza in the shadow of a pepper tree and watched as the time passed. since even the first passed by shoeshine tot, pointed to our shoes and said that they were dirty and would have to be cleaned. the boy was probably about ten years old and bursting himself with dirt, so he also got to answer, he was here the only thing that would have to be cleaned thoroughly. Little did not seem to be interested, sat down in front of us shoe cleaning on his stool and was about to start the cleaning. I clearly said no and asked me if not he would have to be in school that he had vacation until March. get rid of the little left is not. Meanwhile, other shoe cleaning-tots joined us, all sat on her little stool, looked at our shoes from all sides, saying that they had a clear care necessary. When the band after a quarter hour of inaction finally squashed, we noticed that we unzehlige little fingerprints from black schuwichse on shoes and pant legs were. This could of course not wash out, so we have since pants with dirty road.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What Does Moc In Czech

felt in Potosi we then the hard hand of the local rainy season.
at our arrival seemed even the sun and we just left us in a hostel in an old monastery, down which we were recommended in the guide very much. at the first began sensing the rain, some hail with solid and held us for hours in a pub set. Back at the hotel we discovered that the old walls terrifying cools quickly because it was freezing cold in the room. that one searches in vain for heating in Catholic monasteries, we would have previously come to the senses. a reliable indication of the expected cold weather in the accommodations are actually only the rugs. in ice-cold refugio at the Laguna Colorada, where we once spent a night was caused the bed with six blankets. here in Potosi are at least five. translated that means well: it could well be that a abfriert something that is not cover under the space-place.
we took from us, from now on, no hotel rooms to meet with accepting more than three.

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Uyuni Salar de Uyuni

the three day tour ended in Uyuni, a place of the policemen and officers are demoted in that says it all. because all that arrive here even gone do you see in the first hours after arrival at the apartment looking for bus tickets or buy again and again the same familiar faces. who does his job, sits on the main square, with enough actually a few trees und trinkt in deren schatten ein bier. das lokale bier heisst potosina (genau, kommt aus potosi) und hat einen grausamen nachgeschmack nach diesel oder lebertran oder wasweissich, wurde von uns und den deutschen mitreisenden daher sofort boykottiert. um anderen gaesten dieses missvergnuegen zu ersparen, informierten wir unsere tischnachbarn ueber die seltsamen eigenschaften von potosina, wenn wir sie dies bestellen hoerten, was wir aber besser unterlassen haetten, denn so waren die alternativen biersorten eins-zwei ausverkauft. vor die wahl gestellt ob uebles bier oder nach hause gehen, entschieden wir uns dann halt doch fuer noch ein potosina.

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das wetter bieb uns hold. nachdem es in den letzten wochen rained in the Bolivian highlands has constantly said it first, the entire salar was under water and is therefore not passable. sit for a few but there were no precipitations yet, so our driver decided nevertheless to the vast salt flat ride, due probably from that would be evasive route was terrain a 200km-detour 'claim challenging what the travel time by at least five extended hours would have. It occurred to us that is all right.
was actually the flat for the most part already dried up, although the temperatures were not particularly high. only the driver, hochlandgewaechse, which have their origin far over 4000 meters above sea level, under a kind of heat seemed to suffer. on their way schweissausbrueche asked both confirmed to us that anything over 20 degrees would make your body before serious problems.
the middle of the salar we stopped for a few photos. the endless white snow on ground, and the deep blue of the sky opposite side produced the feeling of being in a two-dimensional space, in which one is a 3-d-abundant conditions seemed out of place. probably confused by the dimensionless loss experienced our traveling quickly fell the urge to make unusual or funny photos. it was a full hour of hopping around us like mad, hadstand made menschentuermchen were built so thickly encrusted with salt until all. until then had been kept out of the reporters from the wonder happen, but the moment of Group photos came as the gospel truth. Now admittedly there are images on which we are hopping to see in a salt flat, but this you will NEVER see.