Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chunky Mucus Coming Out Of The Sinus

pasta with pumpkin and chicken

I'm lately not to eat as much pumpkin as I would like to. Last year was
abound pumpkin soup, or sometimes a pumpkin risotto, but this fall is hardly the best on the plate. Since this recipe came to me just right!

2 x chicken breast
sea salt and black pepper
1 handful rosemary
2 garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
a butternut squash
1 glass of white wine
200 ml chicken stock

the chicken breast cut into small pieces . Rosemary and chop the garlic and mix with a little sea salt. The meat in a little olive oil nice. The garlic-rosemary mixture, bay leaf and some black pepper, and let it mitgaren. The stew can be peeled and diced pumpkin with the wine and chicken broth to the chicken and all 20 minutes, until pumpkin is tender.

I'm in the cooking water if the pasta a little turmeric, which has made the beautiful yellow noodles!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Buy Turbo Charger For Accent

A heart for blogs

Stylespion has called on his blog about an action: We should
on Friday with a post on his blog to his favorite German a blog post. Why? To get know new blogs, so that once looked out on his own horizon, and because the network with each other nunmal ne great thing is:) So here's 5 of my favorite blogs (which have to do sometimes to do with food)


Maybe you did indeed read what nice things that have not necessarily got to do with goodies! Browse
In this sense, have fun!