Friday, January 25, 2008

Help With Carving Pinewood

coaching workshop - Networking - Successful Network Architecture - How?

impulse3 LTD The company cordially invites you at 06.02. 2008, 13.00 Clock Reviews
Workshop Networking - Successful network construction, but how?

When: 06.02. 2008, 13.00 clock

Where: office impulse3 LTD - Mitteldorf 9, 02 633 Diehm - MAP

  • champagne reception and introductions;
  • lecture - Networking, your key to success;
  • product presentation;
  • telephone training;
  • your real Busnissplan to success;
Each participant will receive a small gift for networking - sponsored by impulse3

Binding registration reply by:
  • by e-mail -
  • Phone: 49 35930 / 5 20 30
  • skype - hne-mediated
We look forward to your show and wish you a good time. :-)