Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Can Airsoft Ship To Canada

BIGFIT openBC News & Events

VITAMIN B2 - Why Networks are becoming increasingly important (FOCUS No. 29/06)

"What holds the world within. Alone? Against all?

No chance! Belonging to a network determines your future!

How do the circles of power ... "

This article has been scanned and can be downloaded (PDF 5.2MB) is available.

Our BIGFIT-dates:

6:09:06 3rd BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch Leipzig

Johann S. Restaurant and Cafe, Thomas Kirchhof 17, 04109 Leipzig

Directions Link

19.30 Clock - Start Stammtisch (cost: 5 EUR )

► Introduction of participants and areas of interest;
► idea of openBC subscriber services;
► ideas; ►
down the master table topics for the next events;
► Infos zur Jahresabschlußveranstaltung;

17.00-19.00 Uhr – openBC Crashkurs – Teil1 (Kosten 50 EUR Netto)
Teilnahme nur mit pers. Anmeldung und per E-Mail!

► Einrichten Ihrer persönlichen Kontaktseite;
► Einrichten von Suchagenten für Ihre Branche;
► Einrichten eines pers. Termins/Events/Veranstaltung in Ihrer Branche;
► Tipp`s
& Tricks.

21.09. 06 4. BIGFIT openBC-Stammtisch, Dresden

Solar Parkhotel
Contact hotel: Mr. Hubert Hoffmann
► Program:
19.30 Clock - Start Stammtisch (cost: 5 EUR)

notion ► the participants and areas of interest;
► idea of \u200b\u200bopenBC subscriber services;
► ideas;
► determining the root table topics for the next events;
► dates for the annual closing event;

17.00-19.00 clock - openBC Crash Course - Part 1 (costs 50 EUR net)
participation with pers registration and e-mail!

► set up your personal contact page;
► Setting up search agents for your industry;
► Setting up a personal appointment / events / event in your industry;
► Tip `s
& tricks.

you have interesting suggestions for topics? Please e-mail. get to all events From me one personal invitation to the respective range of topics. Please confirm there via your personal link your firm may attend the event.