Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crotch Rockets Helmets

second BIGFIT openBC meeting in DD

time: 20:08:06, 10.00 - 13.00 clock

preview video or watch online here right

Location: Schloss Eckberg - Directions

flow: (online meeting is recorded on video)

first Working with openBC in a hotspot WLAN (laptop with wireless internet access is recommended, not required)

► Setting up search agents;
► establishment of forums, events and dates;
► How to find I have the right contacts in openBC? ►
Tips & Tricks; ►
those performing: Wolfgang Niedernhausen

second "Plan insolvency - the chance to restart"

By since 01.01.1999 entered into force bankruptcy order is a major reform has been brought to date by the general public does not was perceived.

Unlike bankruptcy, composition and overall execution order is the leitmotif of the bankruptcy order, the refurbishment of which are now in the economic crisis. This the insolvency plan procedure has been newly created as a redevelopment tool.

The insolvency plan is a far more versatile instrument as claimed by today and should be carefully considered by each company as a rehabilitation tool in difficult situations. For more information about our AGENCY also available on the Internet or as a download (also like to pass):

- short presentation NBL
- presentation NBL
Speaker: Sven Albinus

third Why do I get still too few customers?
► Satisfied customers - the most important factor in your company!

VITAMIN B2 - Why Networks are becoming increasingly important (FOCUS No. 29/06)

" What the world at heart together. Alone? Against all? No chance! Belonging to a network determines your future. How the circles of power ... "

This article has been scanned and can be downloaded (PDF 5.2MB) is available.

Sie haben evtl. interessante Angebote , benötigen dringend Mitarbeiter oder möchten einen wichtigen Termin bekannt geben? Kein Problem! Wir veröffentlichen Ihre Informationen - nach Rücksprache mit Ihnen - in unserem monatlichen Newsletter oder in den Termineinladungen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich dazu bei Bedarf.

Ihnen eine erfolgreiche und sonnige Woche mit viel Spaß. ;-)

Herzliche Grüße
Wolfgang Niederhausen

Hier können Contact me for free from your Gilder out! or so:

Benzocaine For Muscles

first BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch in Dresden

At 23:07:06, we had our first BIGFIT openBC regular table in the gym Bigfun in Dresden Elbepark performed.

It was a workout Pilates performed and the organization organize the next round tables.

openBC Present were members from Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden. List of participants at: =66976&from=browse

Moderiert wurde der Stammtisch durch:

Pe ter Fritzsche https://www. und

Wolfgang Niederhausen ausen