Friday, December 8, 2006

Aqua Magic Water Softener Manual

8th BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch - Shops in Dubai - Illusion and Reality!

Ort: **** SOLAR PARKHOTEL DRESDEN/FREITAL , Pesterwitzer Straße 8, 01705 Freital, Herr Hubert Hoffmann , MAP zum Hotel

Zeit: 15.12.06, 19.30 Uhr

Kosten: 10 EUR, inkl. ein Freigetränk + kleine Überraschung


  • shops in Dubai - Illusion and Reality! - "The Middle East - the most important market of the 21 Century! (N-tv) "party: Kai Zuchold , Managing Germany of GERMAN INNOVATION CENTRE ® in Dubai , partner of the BWA in the UAE, partners the Saxony Economic Development for the Middle East, and other business associations
  • Vorstellung Programmablauf für die 12. Unternehmerreise nach Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • Vortrag - "Alles beginnt im Kopf"
    • Haben Sie schon einmal die Erfahrung gemacht, dass man sich etwas vornimmt, es aber dann nicht durchzieht?
    • Haben Sie schon einmal eine Projekt begonnen und nicht zu Ende geführt?
    • Haben Sie schon einmal ein Fitnessprogramm, eine Diät begonnen und nicht durchgehalten? Diese und noch mehr Fragen beantwortet Ihnen Coach, Mr. Steffen Becker
- load current projects in Dubai

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Building Your Own Bathtub

7th BIGFIT VIP Stammtisch Miss Saxony

This year's annual accounts, we get you right Welcome to the 7th BIGFIT XING VIP Stammtisch - Miss Sachsen-election - the furniture store Zuchold after a Niesky. you want to be Miss Germany? No problem, just apply!

for the event, "Miss Saxony" still has a chance to be a participant to apply. The chosen Miss Saxony is automatically for the Entausscheidung Miss Germany 2007 in Hurghada (Egypt) qualified. It is subject to the following conditions of participation:
  • German citizenship;
  • Age: 16 to 26 years;
  • single / unmarried, childless
  • ;
  • there must be no nudes.
Please apply by telephone or in person at Biosun & La Belle in Sun4U under Phone: 0351 / 265 41 84

pictures of the candidates:

Center: Miss Oberlausitz, Kathy Neumann, Neugersdorf, nurse, 23
left: Jasmin Quindt, saleswoman, Bautzen, 17
right: Stefanie Große, Trainee, Dresden, 20

Maria Dude, occupational therapist, 19 , Schwarznaußlitz

Nadja Wagner, 16, student, Dresden

Maria Plutz, 21, Dresden, student, Miss Vorpommern

sponsored by
Melkus your BMW and Lotus partner in Saxony and
Biosun & La Belle in Sun4U

Friday, October 13, 2006

Go Karts For Sale In Toronto

6th BIGFIT openBC meeting in Leipzig

place - * *** Lindner Hotel Leipzig Hans-Driesch-Strasse 27, 04179 Leipzig
Contact hotel: Yvonne Lewrentz, banquet manager
time - 18.10. 06, 19.30 clock start
cost - 20 EUR

De tails:

  • We make ourselves known - Presentation of the company, person by openBC. When presenting your openBC page and your website is online all the participants are presented.
    • Optimal setting up your contact page so that you'll find!
    • up automatic search agent;
    • 10-15 neue Kontakte in Ihrer Branche kontaktieren;
    • Einteilung und Bewerten Ihrer Kontakte – Wie arbeite ich mit Tags?
    • Veranstaltung/Termin/Event einrichten und Teilnehmer mit Tags einladen.

Bitte bringen Sie, wenn vorhanden, Ihr WLAN-fähiges Notebook mit! Praktische live Demonstration mit Wolfgang Niederhausen


more events in View:

► 10/26, 19.30 Clock - 7. BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch Dresden

Location: **** SOLAR PARK HOTEL DRESDEN / FREITAL , Pesterwitzer Straße 8, 01705 Freital
contact - Mr Hubert Hoffmann

you have any interesting offers, urgently need staff or want to give this important date known? No problem! We publish the information - after consultation with you - free of charge on our BIGFIT- supply side or the date invitations.

you want to present at our events? Ask us for free under

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

What Does An Ast Of 35 Mean On A Liver Test

5th BIGFIT openBC meeting in Halle

place -

place - ***** Kempinski Hotel Rotes Ross Halle-Leipzig, Franckestr. 1, Congress Centre

time - 11:10:06, 19.30 clock start

Directions - on Franckestr. 1 (Kempinski driveway parking, access to the Congress Centre, Level 8)

cost - 15 EUR

Thank - director Stephan Becker

The details:

Weitere Termine im Ausblick:

18:10, 19.30 Clock - 6. BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch Leipzig
26.10, 19.30 Clock - 7. BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch Dresden
you have any interesting items require immediate staff or want to be an important date known? No problem! We publish the information - after consultation with you - free on our page BIGFIT offer or the date invitations.

you want to present at our events? Ask us free on

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Much Evidence Tom Cruise Gay

4th BIGFIT openBC meeting in DD

Pesterwitzer Straße 8, 01705 Freital

Vielen Dank – Herrn Hubert Hoffmann

Experience only in our "Melkus - human emotion engine" - BMW and Autohaus Melkus bring firsts and innovations to Dresden!

The details:

Melkus & Team present RS1000 Melkus racing cars and ...?

► Roundtable on "VITAMIN B2 - Why networks are increasingly important,"
brings what openBC me?
you imagine - Please bring your business cards;
► Idea of \u200b\u200bopenBC subscriber services;
► ideas;

► dates for the annual closing event;
► Start: 19.30 Clock - Cost: 5 EUR;

17.00-19.00 clock - openBC Crash Course, Part 1 - not only for professionals!

Please e-mail login and if available, bring your laptop with wireless internet!
costs and main topics at:

you have any interesting items require immediate staff or want to be an important date known? No problem! We publish the information - after consultation with you - on our BIGFIT offer page or in the event invitations free on http://o

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Can Airsoft Ship To Canada

BIGFIT openBC News & Events

VITAMIN B2 - Why Networks are becoming increasingly important (FOCUS No. 29/06)

"What holds the world within. Alone? Against all?

No chance! Belonging to a network determines your future!

How do the circles of power ... "

This article has been scanned and can be downloaded (PDF 5.2MB) is available.

Our BIGFIT-dates:

6:09:06 3rd BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch Leipzig

Johann S. Restaurant and Cafe, Thomas Kirchhof 17, 04109 Leipzig

Directions Link

19.30 Clock - Start Stammtisch (cost: 5 EUR )

► Introduction of participants and areas of interest;
► idea of openBC subscriber services;
► ideas; ►
down the master table topics for the next events;
► Infos zur Jahresabschlußveranstaltung;

17.00-19.00 Uhr – openBC Crashkurs – Teil1 (Kosten 50 EUR Netto)
Teilnahme nur mit pers. Anmeldung und per E-Mail!

► Einrichten Ihrer persönlichen Kontaktseite;
► Einrichten von Suchagenten für Ihre Branche;
► Einrichten eines pers. Termins/Events/Veranstaltung in Ihrer Branche;
► Tipp`s
& Tricks.

21.09. 06 4. BIGFIT openBC-Stammtisch, Dresden

Solar Parkhotel
Contact hotel: Mr. Hubert Hoffmann
► Program:
19.30 Clock - Start Stammtisch (cost: 5 EUR)

notion ► the participants and areas of interest;
► idea of \u200b\u200bopenBC subscriber services;
► ideas;
► determining the root table topics for the next events;
► dates for the annual closing event;

17.00-19.00 clock - openBC Crash Course - Part 1 (costs 50 EUR net)
participation with pers registration and e-mail!

► set up your personal contact page;
► Setting up search agents for your industry;
► Setting up a personal appointment / events / event in your industry;
► Tip `s
& tricks.

you have interesting suggestions for topics? Please e-mail. get to all events From me one personal invitation to the respective range of topics. Please confirm there via your personal link your firm may attend the event.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crotch Rockets Helmets

second BIGFIT openBC meeting in DD

time: 20:08:06, 10.00 - 13.00 clock

preview video or watch online here right

Location: Schloss Eckberg - Directions

flow: (online meeting is recorded on video)

first Working with openBC in a hotspot WLAN (laptop with wireless internet access is recommended, not required)

► Setting up search agents;
► establishment of forums, events and dates;
► How to find I have the right contacts in openBC? ►
Tips & Tricks; ►
those performing: Wolfgang Niedernhausen

second "Plan insolvency - the chance to restart"

By since 01.01.1999 entered into force bankruptcy order is a major reform has been brought to date by the general public does not was perceived.

Unlike bankruptcy, composition and overall execution order is the leitmotif of the bankruptcy order, the refurbishment of which are now in the economic crisis. This the insolvency plan procedure has been newly created as a redevelopment tool.

The insolvency plan is a far more versatile instrument as claimed by today and should be carefully considered by each company as a rehabilitation tool in difficult situations. For more information about our AGENCY also available on the Internet or as a download (also like to pass):

- short presentation NBL
- presentation NBL
Speaker: Sven Albinus

third Why do I get still too few customers?
► Satisfied customers - the most important factor in your company!

VITAMIN B2 - Why Networks are becoming increasingly important (FOCUS No. 29/06)

" What the world at heart together. Alone? Against all? No chance! Belonging to a network determines your future. How the circles of power ... "

This article has been scanned and can be downloaded (PDF 5.2MB) is available.

Sie haben evtl. interessante Angebote , benötigen dringend Mitarbeiter oder möchten einen wichtigen Termin bekannt geben? Kein Problem! Wir veröffentlichen Ihre Informationen - nach Rücksprache mit Ihnen - in unserem monatlichen Newsletter oder in den Termineinladungen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich dazu bei Bedarf.

Ihnen eine erfolgreiche und sonnige Woche mit viel Spaß. ;-)

Herzliche Grüße
Wolfgang Niederhausen

Hier können Contact me for free from your Gilder out! or so:

Benzocaine For Muscles

first BIGFIT openBC Stammtisch in Dresden

At 23:07:06, we had our first BIGFIT openBC regular table in the gym Bigfun in Dresden Elbepark performed.

It was a workout Pilates performed and the organization organize the next round tables.

openBC Present were members from Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden. List of participants at: =66976&from=browse

Moderiert wurde der Stammtisch durch:

Pe ter Fritzsche https://www. und

Wolfgang Niederhausen ausen